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1、Rich,Andrew,2004,ThinkTanks,PublicPolicy,andthePoliticsofExpertise,NewYork:CambridgeUniversityPress.2、Shai,MingChenandStone,Diane,2004,TheChineseTraditionofPolicyResearchInstitutes,inStone,Dianean ...

1、Rich ,Andrew , 2004 , Think Tanks , Public Policy , andthe Politics of Expertise ,New York :Cambridge University Press.

2、Shai ,Ming Chen and Stone ,Diane , 2004 , The ChineseTradition of Policy Research Institutes , in Stone ,Diane and Denham ,Andrew ( eds. ) , Think Tank Traditions :Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas ,Manchester and New York :Manchester University Press.

3、Steelman ,Aaron ,2003 , (Book Reviews) Do Think Tanks Matter ?Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institutes ,in Cato Journal ,Vol. 23 ,No. 1.

4、Stone ,Diane ,1996 , Capturing the Political Imagination :Think Tanks and the Policy Process , London : Frank Cass.

5、Stone , Diane ; Denham , Andrew and Garnett , Mark( eds. ) , 1998 , Think Tanks across Nations : A C、omparative Approach , Manchester and New York :Manchester University Press.

6、Stone ,Diane and Denham ,Andrew(eds. ) ,2004 , Think Tank Traditions : Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas ,Manchester and New York :Manchester University Press.

7、Telgarsky , Jeffrey and Ueno , Makiko ( eds. ) , 1996 ,Think Tanks in a Democratic Society : An Alternative Voice ,Washington ,D. C. :The Urban Institute.

8、Wu ,Jinan , 1995 , The Soaring Shanghai Economy and the Role of Think Tanks , Paper presented at the Asian Pacific Think Tank Conference’95 ,Kyoto ,Japan.

9、James Simon. The idea brokers: The impact of think tanks on British government [ J ]. Public Administration, 1993, (71) : 491 - 506.

10、 Stone D. Cap turing the Political Imagination: Think Tanks and the Policy Process [M ]. London: Frank Cass, 1996. 14 - 16.

11、 Richard N. Haass. Think Tanks and U. S. Foreign Policy: A Policymaker’s Perspective[ J ]. U. S. Foreign Policy Agenda, Nov. 2002.

12、James G. McGann. Academics to Ideologues: A Brief History of the Public Policy Research Industry[ J ]. PS: Political Science and Politics,Dec. 1992.

13、David Callahan. State Think Tanks on theMove[ J ]. The Nation, Oct. 1998.

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15、 Think Tank in Europe and US:Converging or Diverging[ R] . http :PPwww. notre - europe. asso. Fr/IMG/pdf/Semi22 - en. pdf ,2006 - 4 - 15.

16、James G. McGann ,“Think Tanks and the Transnationalization of Foreign Policy ,”U. S . Foreign Policy A genda ,Vol 7 , No. 3 , Nov 2002 , p. 14.Donald E. Abelson, Think Tanks and U. S. Foreign Policy:A Historical View,U. S. Foreign PolicyAgenda: An Electronic JournalOf The U. S. Department Of State, Vol. 7, November 2002.

17、Richard N. Haass, Think Tanks and U. S. foreign policy: a policy - maker’s perspective, U. S. Foreign Policy Agenda:An Electronic JournalOf The U. S. Department Of State,Vol.7,November 2002.




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