欧洲, 金融, 工程
Master of Science Programme in Finance
Faculty of Mathematics and Economics, University of Ulm
Computational Optimization Methods in Statistics, Econometrics, and Finance
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany (Germany)
European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany (Germany)
瑞士的大学就不说了,苏黎世理工赫赫有名,加上去年瑞士金融机构(Swiss Finance Institute,SFI)合并了瑞士几所金融牛校,现在SFI已经是很多去欧洲读金融的首选学校了。好学校太多,我就列2所,大家自己再找吧
Master of advanced studies infinance,不要被它的名字蒙骗了,此项目对数学要求极高,师资力量据说相当有名,问了一下,有人这样描述该项目:” I think it isa great program...Its got some very big quant fin names on its teachingfaculty Schonbucher, embrechts, mcneil.
It’s not very easy to get in. very small class size and I got the sensethat they look for people who already have a graduate degree in someother technical discipline.
Incidentally I had applied there a couple of years back and I gotrejected because I didnt have enough math background. At that time, Ihad a engineering degree from a good school in India. And i got intosome good schools in US with the same background. So if ur comparingbetween US and Europe, I would imagine the standards in terms of mathrequirements are at least the same if not higher.
I had a interview with them during the application process and theyasked me a lot of martingale theory in the interview and some basicfinance. I got the sense they are more particular on how good the mathbackground as compared to the finance part (or maybe it was just myparticular background)
Dont know how well it is known...The faculty I named is definitely very very famous in US.”
西班牙也有一些金融工程较好的学校,我替大家问了一下,” For the program I follow in Madrid spanish is not required.there's an English version.
this is university's web page: http://www.uc3m.es/
this is programs web page in spanish: http://www.uc3m.es/uc3m/gral/TC/ESMAOF/EEMC/eemc.html
this one is in English but a bit outdated: http://www.uc3m.es/uc3m/gral/TC/ESDO/ESDO14I/esdo14i.html
tihs is el mundo ranking: http://aula.elmundo.es/aula/especiales/2005/50carreras/ade.html
Carlos III is the best university in Spain in business and economics.In time-series and econometrics it's really ranked very high worldwide.But eventually studying in US or in UK is always better even thoughCarlos III would rank better.”