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【劳动经济学】Changes in Job Structure and Rising Wage Inequality in Urban Ch

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1 论文标题
Changes in Job Structure and Rising Wage Inequality in Urban China, 1995-2007
2 作者信息
Chunbing Xing
3 出处和链接
IZA DP No. 6184,December 2011
4 摘要
We use household surveys from 1995, 2002, and 2007 to examine how changes in job
structure contributed to China’s rising urban wage inequality, considering three job
characteristics: occupation, industry, and firm ownership. The explanatory power of job
structure for wage inequality increased between 1995 and 2007. Both the change in relative
number of jobs (composition effect) and the change in between-job and within-job wage gaps
(price effect) contributed to rising wage inequality. Price effect was the major contributor,
whereas composition effect played a larger role in the 1995-2002 period than in the 2002-
2007 period, and at the lower-half distribution. Between-job inequality played a major role in
the first period, and within-job inequality played a major role in the second period. Our results
suggest that both technological change and institutional features influence job structure and
wage inequality.
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