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【发展经济学】Access to Markets and Rural Poverty

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
1 论文标题
Access to Markets and Rural Poverty: Evidence from Household Consumption in China2 作者信息
M. Shahe Emran
George Washington University - Department of Economics
Zhaoyang Hou
National University of Singapore - Department of Economics
3 出处和链接(比如,NBER working paper No.11000)
Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming
4 摘要
This paper presents evidence on the effects of access to domestic and international markets on per capita consumption of households using data from rural China. The econometric analysis uses alternative identification schemes to address the potential endogeneity of access to markets. We use straight line distances to coastline and navigable river along with topography of the intervening counties as sources of exogeneous variations. We also use identification through heteroskedasticity which does not rely on standard exclusion restrictions. The results from alternative identification schemes show that (i) better access to both domestic and international markets has positive effects on per capita consumption, (ii) the domestic market effect is significantly larger in magnitude and (iii) there is complementarity between the access to domestic and international markets
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