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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
我国农村居民消费支出格局的现状及对策研究 摘 要 农村问题不仅仅是农民自己的问题,更是一个国家长治久安的问题。而农村问题中比较重要的消费问题俨然成为当前学者最为关注的话题,而消费支出格局不仅影响农村居民的生活水平,而且影响其生活质量的高低。所以研究农村居民消费支出格局的现状及对策具有一定的现实意义。 本文首先分析了我国农村居民消费支出格局的现状,发现目前的消费格局不合理。然后,运用相关理论详细剖析了导致这种现状的主要原因,如收入不足且增长缓慢,消费观念的落后等。最后,提出了增加农民收入,改变消费观念等改善我国农村居民消费支出格局的对策及建议,以及通过优化我国农村居民消费支出格局,促进农村经济的快速发展。 关键词: 农村居民; 消费格局; 现状; 对策 论文类型: 应用研究型 The Study on the situation and countermeasures of Chinese Rural Residents' Consumption Payout Structure ABSTRACT The problem in rural is not only related to peasant, but also related to our country's stable development. Among which, rural residents' consumption is becoming a hot topic in China. And rural residents' consumption payout structure affects rural residents' living level, but also affects their living quality. Therefore, the study on rural residents' consumption payout structure is meaningful. Based on interrelated theory and some specialists' point of view, at first, the paper has analyzed the present situation of Chinese rural residents' consumption payout structure. And find out that the structure is not reasonable. Then, the paper has analyzed the main reasons for it, such as peasant' income is too low, consumption idea is out-of-date and so on. Finally, the paper has put forward some countermeasures and suggestions in order to improve Chinese rural residents' consumption payout structure and accelerate rural economic development. Key Words:Rural Residents; Consumption Structure;Situation; Countermeasures Type of Thesis:Applied Research 目录 1绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究意义1 1.3研究目的1 1.4研究思路及方法1 1.4.1 研究思路1 1.4.2研究方法2 1.5国内外研究现状2 1.5.1国内研究现状2 1.5.2国外研究现状2 2 相关理论概述4 2.1 农村居民消费支出格局的定义及涵义4 2.2 研究农村居民消费支出格局的必要性4 3 我国农村居民消费支出格局的现状5 3.1 食品支出5 3.2 居住支出6 3.3 交通和通讯支出6 3.4 文教娱乐用品及服务支出7 3.5 医疗保健7 3.6 衣着支出8 3.7 家庭设备及服务8 3.8 总结9 4 居民消费支出格局不合理的原因10 4.1 收入不足且增长缓慢10 4.2 居民收入地区分布的差异10 4.3 消费观念的落后10 4.4 消费市场不健全,流通渠道不畅11 4.5 社会保障制度不完善11 4.6 消费环境、政策的制约11 4.7 基础设施的落后12 4.8 青壮年的流动抑制了消费水平12 5 优化农村居民消费支出格局的对策及建议13 5.1 进一步增加农民收入13 5.2 缩小收入的地区差距13 5.3 改变落后的消费观念13 5.4 落实政府政策,发展消费市场13 5.5 进一步完善农村社会保障制度14 5.6 加强基础设施的建设14 5.7 加快农村经济的发展15 结束语16 参考文献17 致谢18
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