Topics in Numerical Methods for Finance 已阅图标 attachment agree

4 1176 千叶月2014-12-23 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics_Nguyen attachment agree  ...2

19 2933 lasgpope2015-4-17 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

Optimal Mean Reversion Trading attachment agree

5 1530 liucg99992021-7-23 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

Derivative Securities (Jarrow 1999) 2nd Edition attach_img

1 4825 liucg99992022-2-28 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

Statistical Portfolio Estimation attach_img agree  ...234

33 3177 igs8162017-10-17 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

综15-1三年新冠疫情下 - 行业业绩排行榜

1 387 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-24


1 247 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-24


2 319 derary662023-1-23 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-24

Introduction to Statistics: The Nonparametric Way attachment agree

3 1809 lasgpope2015-4-29 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-24

【学习资料】量化交易学习资料合集 attachment

3 881 wz1514002022-12-12 发表 | 最后回复:shiningwang19802023-1-23

Geochemical Modelling of Igneous Processes: Principles And Recipes in R Language attach_img agree  ...2

18 2913 igs8162015-12-7 发表 | 最后回复:panum2023-1-23


2 298 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-23


1 296 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-23


2 367 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-23

[高等概率论经典]Limit distributions for sums of independent random variables 优秀 attachment agree  ...23

24 12251 lasgpope2015-4-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Potential Theory (Universitext系列) attachment agree

5 1222 lasgpope2015-5-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Complex Analysis (Universitext系列) attachment agree

7 1768 lasgpope2015-5-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

[Maple]Informal Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Maple(Universitext系列 attachment agree

8 1881 lasgpope2015-5-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Problems from the Discrete to the Continuous(Universitext系列) attachment  ...2

16 2324 lasgpope2015-5-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Postmodern Analysis (Universitext系列) attachment agree

5 1327 lasgpope2015-5-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Universitext系列之The Theory of Differential Equations-Classical and Qualitative attachment agree

9 2370 lasgpope2015-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Universitext系列之Topological Methods in the Study of Boundary Value Problems attachment agree

7 2113 lasgpope2015-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Introduction to Matrix Analysis and Applications(Universitext系列) attachment agree

3 1746 lasgpope2015-5-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Applied Stochastic Processes (Universitext系列) attachment agree

4 1663 lasgpope2015-5-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

[计算金融]Universitext系列之Tools for Computational Finance attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12

116 11098 lasgpope2015-6-15 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Universitext系列之Understanding and Using Linear Programming attachment agree  ...23

20 3067 lasgpope2015-6-15 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Visual Explorations in Finance attachment agree

4 1331 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered attachment agree

3 1643 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Interest-Rate Management attachment agree

6 1671 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Credit Risk Valuation attachment

7 1369 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Weak Convergence of Financial Markets attachment agree  ...2

12 1903 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Asset Pricing - Modeling and Estimation attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10

98 8100 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry attach_img agree  ...23

20 3015 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Credit Risk Pricing Models attachment agree

9 1727 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series系列之Uncertain Volatility Models attachment agree  ...23

28 3378 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

Springer Finance Series之Credit Risk - Modeling, Valuation and Hedging attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

102 12636 lasgpope2015-4-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-23

综03-2透过股票了解企业 - 以贵州茅台为例

1 299 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:ahc1232023-1-22

综03-1透过股票了解企业 - 以万科为例

1 219 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:ahc1232023-1-22


1 231 derary662023-1-22 发表 | 最后回复:ahc1232023-1-22

Read this! Handbook of Economic Forecasting 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12

110 9320 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-22

e-Handbook of Statistical Methods attach_img  ...23

25 2053 igs8162016-11-12 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-22

Handbook of the Fundamentals of Financial Decision Making 优秀 attachment agree  ...23

23 4174 leosong2015-6-11 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-22

Exotic Option Pricing and Advanced Levy Models attachment agree  ...2

14 7097 lasgpope2015-5-26 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-21

(Wiley Finance 052)The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and investment manageme 已阅图标 attach_img agree

1 1603 5140502092014-7-13 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-21

各位好 第一次发帖 以后多多交流

0 447 fly_qrh@163.com2023-1-21 发表 | 最后回复:fly_qrh@163.com2023-1-21

绿皮书A Practical Guide to Quantitative Finance Interviews attachment agree  ...2

12 13137 lenka10192019-2-12 发表 | 最后回复:fly_qrh@163.com2023-1-21

Contract Theory in Continuous-Time Models attachment agree  ...2

11 2810 lasgpope2015-4-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-20

[连续马尔科夫链]Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications 优秀 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

104 11044 lasgpope2015-4-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-20

Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance By Rama Cont 带书签版 已阅图标 attachment agree  ...23

20 5453 muyurong2014-11-8 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-20

corporate finance几本书打包合集 attachment

3 1102 annannann6662020-11-1 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-20

The Real Analysis Lifesaver: All the Tools You Need to Understand Proofs attach_img agree  ...23

29 5742 igs8162017-2-23 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-20


3 520 非凸科技2023-1-18 发表 | 最后回复:eeabcde2023-1-20

Calculus of Variations with Applications attach_img  ...2

11 1846 igs8162017-2-6 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-19

[变分法]Universitext系列之The Calculus of Variations attachment agree

8 1956 lasgpope2015-6-14 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-19

Brownian Motion Calculus 已阅图标 attachment agree

6 2127 knightlanyy2014-6-28 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-19

Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus attachment

2 1425 yc1352020-2-19 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-19

Lectures from Markov Processes to Brownian Motion by Kailai Chung attachment agree  ...23

21 3193 lasgpope2015-7-6 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-19


2 307 非凸科技2023-1-17 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-18

币圈小将:在2023年保持警惕,2014年 91% 的加密货币已经死亡

2 882 bosen123062023-1-16 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-18


2 384 bosen123062023-1-15 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-18

Stochastic Optimal Control and the U.S. Financial Debt Crisis attachment agree

2 2274 nelsoncwlee2015-7-3 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-18

Mathematical Methods in Robust Control of Discrete-Time Linear Stochastic System attachment agree

2 1510 nelsoncwlee2015-7-23 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-18

Stochastic Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensions: with Applications to S attachment agree

2 2080 nelsoncwlee2015-7-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-18

Singular Stochastic Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) attachment agree

5 2139 nelsoncwlee2015-8-20 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-18

Springer系列An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9

87 8359 lasgpope2015-4-28 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

The Theory of Stochastic Processes I by Skorokhod attachment agree  ...23

23 4153 lasgpope2015-7-9 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

【经典教材系列】Stationary Stochastic Processes for Scientists and Engineers attach_img agree 女生贴  ...23

20 3479 wwqqer2015-9-26 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

GIKHMAN or gihman attach_img

1 3469 liucg99992022-3-27 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling丛书 attachment agree  ...2345

41 4531 lasgpope2015-4-16 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

Probability and Random Processes attach_img agree  ...23

23 3971 lasgpope2015-5-26 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

[MCMC书籍]Introduction to Probability Simulation and Gibbs Sampling with R attachment agree

5 3133 lasgpope2015-4-29 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-17

Nonlinear Option Pricing attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

104 9887 大家开心2015-6-1 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

【经典教材系列】A Time Series Approach to Option Pricing 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree 女生贴 - [回帖奖励 83 ]  ...23456..15

148 17894 wwqqer2015-2-21 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

【2014新书】Nonlinear Economic Dynamics and Financial Modelling 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14

137 18228 牛尾巴2014-8-8 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

【经典教材系列】Mathematical Modeling and Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics - [阅读权限 14]attach_img heatlevel agree 女生贴 - [回帖奖励 37 ]  ...23456..8

75 7933 wwqqer2016-2-1 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

Introduction to Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets 清晰非扫描版下载 attachment agree

4 1560 zhzhzhou2018-9-4 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

【经典教材系列】Mathematical Financial Economics 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree 女生贴 - [回帖奖励 28 ]  ...23456..18

171 31374 wwqqer2015-5-28 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets attachment agree  ...2

10 5340 zhzhzhou2021-9-15 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance attachment agree  ...2

16 2413 lasgpope2015-4-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

must read books for mathematical finance attachment agree 女生贴

2 1099 fymmwyw12016-10-15 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

[Copula金融建模]Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

105 12213 lasgpope2015-4-18 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16

机器学习之“强化学习” attach_img

5 852 非凸科技2022-9-30 发表 | 最后回复:yshuise12023-1-16

博迪投资学 attachment

2 517 jusim2023-1-13 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-16


2 1193 财富通数据中心2020-2-17 发表 | 最后回复:surray2023-1-15


2 424 bosen123062023-1-14 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-15

Handbook of Financial Time Series 优秀 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..12

119 11185 lasgpope2015-5-31 发表 | 最后回复:三江鸿2023-1-15

How to Price and Trade Options 资料分享 attachment

3 1418 Sun.shine!2018-5-8 发表 | 最后回复:jack-pudding2023-1-14

基于风险的资产配置 attachment

3 334 yingzj2023-1-14 发表 | 最后回复:军旗飞扬2023-1-14

CCR炒币机器人:币圈如何赚钱,选对量化 很关键。

2 5719 ofbing882022-11-12 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 3004 ofbing882022-11-28 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 841 bosen123062022-11-7 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14

币圈小将:熊市期间各种规模的比特币 ($BTC) 钱包不断增持

1 632 bosen123062022-11-5 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 710 bosen123062022-11-8 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


4 969 bosen123062022-11-9 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


5 919 非凸科技2022-11-16 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 722 bosen123062022-11-18 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 635 bosen123062022-11-19 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


2 588 bosen123062022-11-21 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14

币圈小将:美国参议员敦促富达在 FTX 影响下放弃 BTC

3 684 bosen123062022-11-24 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14

携手共赢!非凸科技与多家头部系统供应商合作 attach_img

2 651 非凸科技2022-11-24 发表 | 最后回复:三重虫2023-1-14


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