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劳动经济学手册Vol 4B

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
9. Earnings, Consumption and Life Cycle Choices 773
Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri
1. Introduction 774
2. The Impact of Income Changes on Consumption: Some Theory 779
3. Modeling the Income Process 789
4. Using Choices to Learn About Risk 818
5. Income Processes, Labor Supply and Mobility 839
6. Conclusions 846
References 848
10. Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Signicance of
Discrimination 855
Roland G. Fryer Jr.
1. Introduction 856
2. The Declining Signicance of Discrimination 858
3. Basic Facts About Racial Dierences in Achievement Before Kids Enter School 865
4. Interventions to Foster Human Capital Before Children Enter School 874
5. The Racial Achievement Gap in Kindergarten through 12th Grade 880
6. The Racial Achievement Gap in High School 907
7. Interventions to Foster Human Capital in School-Aged Children 912
8. Conclusion 925
Appendix. Data Description 926
References 965
11. Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market 973
Alan Manning
1. The Sources of Imperfect Competition 976
2. How Much Imperfect Competition? The Size of Rents 980
3. Models of Wage Determination 990
4. Estimates of Rent-splitting 997
5. So What? 1021
6. Applications 1022
7. Conclusion 1031
Appendix A. Estimating the Size of Rents from a Search Model 1031
Appendix B. A Model with Heterogeneous Worker Ability 1032
Appendix C. Results Equating Separation and Recruitment Elasticity 1034
References 1035
12. Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings 1043
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor
1. Introduction 1044
2. An Overview of Labor Market Trends 1048
3. The Canonical Model 1096
4. A Ricardian Model of the Labor Market 1118
5. Comparative Advantage and Wages: An Empirical Approach 1152
6. Concluding remarks 1157
References 1166
13. Institutional Reforms and Dualism in European Labor Markets 1173
Tito Boeri
1. Introduction 1174
2. Institutions and Reforms 1176
3. A Simple Model of Labor Reallocation and Reforms 1190
4. Are We Learning Enough from the Reforms? 1208
5. Final Remarks 1222
Appendix A. The fRDB-IZA Social Policy Reforms Database 1223
Appendix B. Institutions in the MP Model 1224
References 1232
14. Local Labor Markets 1237
Enrico Moretti
1. Introduction 1238
2. Some Important Facts about Local Labor Markets 1242
3. Equilibrium in Local Labor Markets 1254
4. The Determinants of Productivity Dierences Across Local Labor Markets 1281
5. Implications for Policy 1296
6. Conclusions 1308
References 1309
15. Human Capital Development before Age Five 1315
Douglas Almond, Janet Currie
1. Introduction 1316
2. Conceptual Framework 1322
3. Methods 1328
4. Empirical Literature: Evidence of Long Term Consequences 1340
5. Empirical Literature: Policy Responses 1396
6. Discussion and Conclusions 1467
Appendix A 1468
Appendix B 1471
Appendix C 1472
Appendix D 1475
References 1476
16. Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility 1487
Sandra E. Black, Paul J. Devereux
1. Intergenerational Correlations of Earnings and Education 1489
2. Identifying the Causal Eects of Parental Education and Earnings 1507
3. Other Family Background Characteristics 1528
4. Conclusion 1533
References 1534
17. New Perspectives on Gender 1543
Marianne Bertrand
1. Introduction 1544
2. Gender Dierences in Psychological Attributes 1546
3. Gender Identity 1570
4. Women's Well-being 1577
5. Conclusion 1580
References 1582
18. Great Expectations: Law, Employment Contracts, and Labor Market
Performance 1591
W. Bentley MacLeod
1. Introduction 1592
2. The Law 1596
3. The Economics of the Employment Relationship 1616
4. The Evidence 1643
5. Discussion 1685
References 1688
19. Human Resource Management and Productivity 1697
Nicholas Bloom, John Van Reenen
1. Introduction 1698
2. Some Facts on HRM and Productivity 1699
3. The Eects of HRM on Productivity 1710
4. Two Perspectives on HRM and Productivity: Design and Technology 1739
5. Some Determinants of HRM Practices 1745
6. Conclusions 1757
Acknowledgements 1759
References 1759
20. Personnel Economics: Hiring and Incentives 1769
Paul Oyer, Scott Schaefer
1. Introduction 1770
2. Incentives in Organizations 1772
3. Hiring 1784
4. Conclusion 1816
References 1817
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