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发布时间:2014-10-25 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 聚羧酸盐高效减水剂简介1 1.2 国内现状1 1.3 国外现状2 1.4 定义与分类3 1.5 性能特点3 1.6 聚羧酸系高效减水剂分子结构5 1.7 聚羧酸系减水剂作用原理6 1.7.1 空间位阻作用6 1.7.2 静电斥力作用6 1.7.3 吸附层作用6 1.7.4 水化膜润滑作用7 1.7.5 空位稳定理论7 1.8 聚羧酸系减水剂的合成7 1.8.1 可聚合单体直接共聚法7 1.8.2 聚合后功能化法8 1.8.3 原位聚合与接枝8 2. 实验部分8 2.1 实验材料8 2.1.1 减水剂的合成材料8 2.2 实验设备与仪器9 2.2.1 合成步骤的设备与仪器9 2.2.2 测试步骤的设备与仪器9 2.3 实验工艺步骤9 2.3.1 减水剂的制备方法9 2.3.2 减水剂的测试方法10 3. 结果与讨论11 3.1 聚醚型减水剂的合成11 3.1.1 不同量APEG50打底对减水剂性能的影响11 3.1.2 不同量AN对减水剂性能的影响11 3.1.3 加入不同量MAn对减水剂性能的影响12 3.1.4 阳离子单体量的影响12 3.1.5 交联剂的影响12 3.2 聚酯型减水剂的合成13 3.2.1 不同单体影响13 3.2.2 酯化液的酸碱性对减水剂性能的影响13 3.3 与市售减水剂性能对比13 4.总结与展望14 4.1 总结14 4.2 展望15 致谢16 参考文献17 摘 要:本文介绍了国内外聚羧酸系混凝土高性能减水剂的研究发展现状,介绍了聚羧酸类高性能减水剂的分子结构特征及合成方法,并阐述了聚羧酸高效减水剂的作用机理。分别用两种方法(聚醚型减水剂的合成和聚酯型减水剂的合成)合成减水剂,并对影响减水剂性能的因素进行了分析。如在聚醚型减水剂的合成中,加入单体APEG50量越少,减水剂的粘度增加,水泥净浆测试的保持性降低。加入AN越多,减水剂的粘度越大,水泥的流动性降低。而加入MAn越多,制得的减水剂粘度降低。当MAn量为5.6g时,净浆流动度最大,说明适量的MAn能促进减水剂的流动性。加入阳离子单体(45%DAC溶液)或者交联剂(PEG2000)均使水泥的流动性变差。在聚酯型减水剂合成过程中,加入单体AA和MAA均使水泥流动性变差,同时,酯化液的酸碱性也对水泥净浆流动性产生影响。 关键词:聚羧酸高效减水剂;净浆流动性;单体;酯化液; Abstract: This cluster of carboxylic acid introduced the research development present stuation,and describes the molecular structural features and synthetic methods of the polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer, and also describes the mechanism of the polycarboxylate superplasticizer. Respectively using two methods (the synthesis of polyether and polyester-type water-reducing agent for synthesis of water-reducing agent) to synthetic water-reducing agent, and analyzed the factors affecting the performance water-reducing agent. Such as the synthesis of polyether-based water-reducing agent, by adding the less amount of monomer APEG50 , the viscosity of superplasticizer increase ,and the cement paste test to maintain reduced. AN adding more water reducer greater the viscosity of cement decreased the flow. The more MAn adding,the the viscosity of superplasticizer reduced, When the amount of MAn is 5.6g, lead the largest pulp fluidity, indicating an appropriate amount of MAn can promote the mobility of water reducer. Adding cationic monomer (45% DAC solution) or cross-linking agent (PEG2000) were the mobility of variation of cement. Water-reducing agent in the polyester synthesis, by adding monomer AA and MAA were to make cement mobility variation,.Esterification fluid acid-base properties also has an influence on cement mobility.…
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