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  • 电镀污泥中铜和镍的回收_化工专业论文范文

    化工专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.1.1 铜篇 2 1.1.2 镍篇..3 1.2 电镀污泥铜镍回收的技术进展4 1.2.1 电镀污泥铜镍回收的试验方法5 1.2.2 本实验电镀污泥中铜镍的回收8 1.3 本章小结9 2. 实验部分9 2.1 实验目的9 2.2 实验原理 9 2.3 实验方案与步骤10 2.3.1 仪器和试剂11 2.3.2 萃取回收方法及工艺流程11 2.3.3 铜镍离子的浓度测定12 3. 结果与讨论13 3.1 浸出实验 13 3.2 溶剂萃取分离13 3.3 EDTA-硝酸锌滴定法测定铜镍浓度14 4.总结与展望14 致谢15 参考文献16 摘 要:本论文综述了近几年电镀重金属污泥的处理回收及综合利用状况,重点确定了用溶剂萃取法萃取分离铜和镍。以N902煤油体系为萃取剂,硫酸溶液为反萃取剂,用碳酸钠沉淀镍,达到了有效的分离,实现了铜镍资源的再生利用。同时采用了EDTA返滴定法测定铜镍的含量。整个工艺过程环保运作,操作简单,具有较高的经济效益。工艺过程产生的废水可以达到排放标准。 关键词:电镀污泥;回收;溶剂萃取;铜;镍 Abstract: This article review the present situation of disposition reclaim and utilization of electroplating heavy metal sludge recent years. The method of the separation of copper and nickel by solvent extraction is detailed. With N902 in kerosene as the extractant and sulphuric acid as the anti-extractant, and sodium carbonate precipitate nickel. Attain effective separation and enable the resource of copper and nickel come into effect at the second use. Meanwhile adoption EDTA to back-titeation the copper and nickel. The entire methodology process is in environmental conservation’s thread . The operating is easy and the economic benefit is high. And the waste warter can be discharged to a certainty standars. Keywords: Electroplating Sludge; Reclaim; Solvent Extraction; Copper; Nickle

  • 连续化羟基硅油制备系统的研制_化工专业论文范文

    连续化羟基硅油制备系统的研制_化工专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 前言1 1.2 羟基硅油的制备方法1 1.3 本课题的提出6 2. 实验部分7 2.1 主要原料和试剂7 2.2 主要仪器和设备7 2.3 实验步骤7 2.4 样品测试8 3. 结果与讨论9 3.1 基础反应动力学及模型9 3.2 连续化羟基硅油制备系统的制备及运转11 4.总结与展望18 4.1 总结18 4.2 展望18 致谢19 参考文献20 摘 要:羟基聚硅氧烷是有机硅工业的重要产品之一。目前国内主要的生产方式是传统的间歇二步法,该生产工艺及设备简单,但在合成过程中反应体系粘度变化范围过大,造成自动控制困难。从而直接导致产品质量不稳定、品质低下。此外,该工艺还存在单套装置生产能力低、能耗大等缺陷。而国外采用连续化新工艺生产羟基硅油,则可做到产品的分子量及粘度十分均一,性能优异。但其生产流程、核心控制技术均严格保密,我国无从学习和借鉴。 对此,我们课题组对连续化制备羟基硅油的基础反应即有水条件下环硅氧烷开环聚合反应的机理、动力学模型等的前期研究基础上,设计出连续制备工艺流程,并进行详细的工艺计算和设备选型,为进一步的连续化中试装置的建设,乃至工业规模装置的建设奠定基础。 关键词:羟基硅油;连续化;制备系统;工艺设计及设备选型 Abstract: The hydroxide polysiloxane is one of the important products of the organic silicon industry. Currently local main traditional intermittent two footworks carry on the production, should produce the craft and equipmentses simple, but respond the system to glue one degree variety scope in synthesize process over greatly, make automatic control difficult. Cause the product quantity unsteady thus and directly, the quality is lowly. In addition, that craft still exists the single suit to place the production ability low, can consume big etc. blemish. But the foreign adoption continue the new craft production hydroxide polysiloxane, then can attain the product molecular weight and glue the degree very uniform, the function is excellent.But its production process, core control the technique keeps secret all and strictly, the our country have no from study and draw lessons from. To this, we the hydroxide polysiloxane opens the front of the mechanism, the dynamics model...etc. that the wreath comes together the reaction to expect to study the foundation under the condition that the topic set to make the foundation reaction of have the hydroxide polysiloxane continuously- have the water up, design to make to have the craft process continuously, and carry on detailed craft's compute to choose the type with equipments, for turn continuously further in the construction of try the device, is go to the industry scale to equip of construction lay the foundation. Keywords:Hydroxide polysiloxane ; Continue ; Make of the system ; The technological design and equipmentses choose the type

  • 含双催化中心手性配体的合成_化工专业论文范文

    化工专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 手性化合物的应用2 1.2 获得手性化合物的方法3 1.3 手性技术的影响5 1.4 手性氨基醇5 2. 实验部分8 2.1 实验仪器 8 2.2 实验试剂和原料 .8 2.3合成路线设计 9 2.4 目标产物 9 2.5 实验过程 10 3. 结果与讨论15 3.1 实验结果15 3.2 实验讨论20 4.总结与展望 22 致谢 23 参考文献 24 附录 26 摘 要:手性氨基醇在不对称合成和药物中间体领域的广泛应用,已经引起了众多科研人员的浓厚兴趣。本论文在查阅相关资料的基础上综述了不对称催化还原反应的研究新进展。 为寻找性能优异的催体,基于多催化中心配体在不对称催化还原反应中的协同效应,可获得手性氨基醇较高的e.e.值。我们分别使用了天然麻黄碱(-)和(1R,2S)-(-)及(1S,2R)-(+)-2-氨基-1,2-二苯基乙醇为手性源与间二苄溴反应,经优化反应条件后在乙腈溶液中,于60-75℃下,以KI为催化剂,K2CO3为吸氢剂合成了二催化中心配体:N-甲基-N-(1′S,2′R)-(1′-甲基-2′苯基-2′-羟基)乙基-间二苄胺;N-(1′R,2′S)-(1′,2′二苯基-2′-羟基)和N-(1′S,2′R)-(1′,2′二苯基-2′-羟基)乙基-间二苄胺,经硅胶柱色谱纯化得无色晶体,产率较高。产物经IR、MS和1HNMR等确认,其他物理常数也较理想。 关键词:手性氨基醇;麻黄碱;配体;合成;提纯 Abstract: Chiral amino alcohol has extensively applicates in the asymmetric synthesis and intermediate areas, and a lot of scientific research personnel have deep interests in it . In this paper, the inspection on the basis of the relevent information summarizes the asymmetric catalytic reduction of new progress. In order to find high performance, based on more catalysis center ligand in asymmetric catalytic reduction of synergies, can achieve available chiral secondary alcoholshigher e.e. value. We were using the natural ephedrine (-), (1 R, 2S )-(-) and (1 S, 2R )-(+)- 2 - amino-1,2 - diphenyl ethanol as chiral sources with 1,3- benzyl bromide reaction by optimizing reaction conditions in ethanol solution, in the 60-75 ℃, KI as a catalyst, K2CO3 as a hydrogen absorption reagent first synthesized the catalysis center with the ligand: N-methyl-N-(1′S, 2′R)-(1′-methyl-phenyl-2′- hydroxy) ethyl -1′,3′ benzylamine; N-(1′R, 2′S)-(1′,2 ′diphenyl -2′- hydroxy) and N-(1′S, 2′R)-(1′,2 ′diphenyl -2 ′- hydroxy) ethyl–1′,3′ benzylamine, by silica gel column chromatography get the colorless crystal, yields are higher. Product by the IR、MS and 1HNMR,etc. confirmed.The other physical constants are good. Keywords:chiral amino alcohol; ephedrine; ligand; synthesis; purification

  • 含三催化中心配体手性氨基醇配体的合成及其纯化_化工专业论文

    含三催化中心配体手性氨基醇配体的合成及其纯化_化工专业论文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 手性氨基醇特点2 1.3 不对称催化3 1.4 在不对称合成中的研究进展7 2. 实验部分10 2.1 仪器10 2.2 试剂10 2.3 合成路线设计10 2.4 化合物三催化中心手性氨基醇配体的合成11 3. 结果与讨论14 3.1 溶剂的选择14 3.2 反应时间的选择14 3.3 反应量的选择15 3.4 熔程选择15 3.5 旋光度数据15 3.6 红外光谱表征16 3.7 质谱图表征17 3.8 核磁共振谱图表征18 3.9 薄层层析板对实验的影响20 3.10 抽滤对实验的影响21 3.11 装柱对实验的影响21 4.总结与展望22 致谢23 参考文献24 摘 要:手性仲醇是许多药物、农药及功能材料等的重要有机合成中间体,获得手性仲醇高对映体过量百分率(ee值)的重要方法之一是由手性氨基醇配体催化还原前手性酮获得。本论文在查阅相关资料基础上综述了不对称催化还原反应研究进展。 为寻找性能优异的催化剂配体,基于多催化中心配体在不对称催化还原反应中的协同效应,可获得手性仲醇较高的ee值,我们分别使用了(1S,2R)-(+)和(1R,2S)-(-)-2-氨基-1,2-二苯基乙醇为手性源与2,4,6-三甲基-1,3,5-三苄溴反应,经优化反应条件后在乙醇溶液中,于70 ℃下,以KI为催化剂,K2CO3为吸氢剂首次合成了含三催化中心配体:2,4,6-三甲基-1,3,5-三-[N-(1’R,2’S)-(+)-(1’,2’-二苯基-2’-羟基)乙基]苄胺和2,4,6-三甲基-1,3,5-三-[N-(1’S,2’R)-(-)-(1’,2’二苯基-2’-羟基)乙基]苄胺,经硅胶柱色谱纯化得无色晶体。产率分别为38 %和40 %。产物经IR、1H NMR和MS等确证。在所合成的一对对映体中,其光谱性质、熔点及比旋光度等物理常数均得很好的验证。 关键词:手性氨基醇;配体;合成;不对称 Abstract: Chiral alcohols is the most important organic compund in the most medicament pesticide and functional material .The one major of method to get the chiral alcohols parallelism excessive percent(ee value) is by the chiral amino alcohols ligand catalytic reduction of prochiral ketone .This thesis is on the basis of relative reference and summarize the development of the dissymmetry catalyse reaction. In order to find the performance outstanding reminders body. On the basis of more catalytic center ligand cooperate with the asymmetric catalytic reduction reaction. we can get chiralalcohols higher value ee. We use the (1S,2R)-(+) and (1R,2S)-(-)-2-amino-1,2-dipheny -lethanol two chiral source and 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-tribenzylbromide reaction separately. After optimizing the reaction conditions in ethanol solution. under the 70℃. Use KI as a catalyst for hydrogen K2CO3 agent first synthesized by the catalytic center with three ligand. 2,4,6- trimethyl-1,3,5-tri-[N-(1’R,2’S)-(1’,2’-diphenyl-2’-hydroxy)ethyl]benzylamineand2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-tri-and2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-tri-[N-(1’S,2’R)-(1’,2’-diphenyl-2’-hydroxy)ethyl] by silica -gel column chromatography in the colorless crystals. and the yield 38 % and 40 %. Product by IR. 1H NMR. MS is confirmed. Then we obtain the good validate for the series of antimer. Spectral properties.the melting point and specific rotation other physical constants. Key words:Chiral amino alcohols; Ligand; Synthesis; Asymmetric

  • 电渗析染料脱盐_化工专业论文范文_化工专业论文

    化工专业论文范文 摘要:染料的生产会伴随有一定量的盐,这些盐的存在会影响染料的使用性能和染料的原有性质,所以染料的生产会有脱盐的环节。染料的脱盐方法主要有盐析与纳滤,这些方法的脱盐率各有不同。本论文叙述了染料脱盐的方法,以电渗析的方法研究了染料的脱盐。考察染料的浓度、染料中盐的浓度、电流、pH和流量这些因素的变化对染料的脱盐影响。结果显示不同的染料浓度对脱盐的影响不大,不同的含盐量和电流对脱盐的结果也没有什么大的影响。由于染料本身有一定的电阻,所以再高的设定电流也没有实际意义,电流过小会使得脱盐的过程在开始是会有一个恒流过程。实验过程中电流的变化从一开始的大于3A开始直至不变。pH和流量的变化也只是改变了脱盐的初始速率,并不影响脱盐的最终结果。 关键词:染料;脱盐;电渗析 Abstract: Dye would be accompanied by the production of certain components of salt. The presence of these salts would affect the use of dyes and dyes performance of the original character. So dye production would be part of desalination. Dye desalination is the primary means of salt out and nanofiltration, the desalination of these methods are different. This paper describes the dye desalination methods. The dye desalination was studied with electrodialysis method. The effects of dye desalination such as the dye concentration, the different salt concentration in dye, current, pH and flow were studied. The results show that different dye concentrations was the little effect on desalination, different salinity and currents were also little effect on desalination. Because dye has a certain degree of resistance, so to set a high current is no practical significance. If the current is set too small, there will be a constant current process in the beginning of the desalination process. In the course of experiments, current changes from the beginning of more than 3 A until unchanged. Changes of pH and flow change only the desalination initial rate, affect not the final result of desalination. Keywords: Dye; Desalination; Electrodialysis

  • 尼龙酰胺交换反应的蒙特卡罗模拟_化工专业论文

    尼龙酰胺交换反应的蒙特卡罗模拟_化工专业论文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 Monte Carlo方法简介1 1.2 酰胺交换反应3 1.3 酰胺交换反应模拟进展5 2 理论基础及算法7 2.1 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系7 2.2 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系中的反应7 2.3 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混的Monte Carlo模拟算法9 2.4 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混模拟体系速率常数的选择10 3 结果与讨论12 3.1 伪随机数检验12 3.2 模拟样本空间大小的确定12 3.3 模拟结果12 4 总结与展望17 致 谢18 参考文献19 摘 要:酰胺交换反应是尼龙反应共混体系中存在的一类非常重要的反应,其反应程度对于共混物的性能有着极其重要的影响。本文建立了酰胺交换反应动力学的蒙特卡罗基本模型,并用该模型对PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系在不同操作条件的酰胺交换反应进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,提高温度,有利于加快酰胺交换反应。但即便如此,对于PA6/PA6IcoT体系而言,若希望在短时间内实现分子尺度的混合,必须加入合适的催化剂,促进酰胺交换反应的进行。相对于酰胺键摩尔分率随酰胺交换反应时间的变化而言,数均序列长度的变化趋势要快得多。只需经过数十分钟的反应,PA6的数均序列长度便可降低几个数量级。此外,共混物的组成比例也对酰胺交换反应有较大的影响。体系中两种组分酰胺键的初始比例越接近,最终所能得到的嵌段共聚物越多。 关键词:聚酰胺;酰胺交换反应;蒙特卡罗;模拟 英文摘要 Abstract: The amide exchange reaction is a kind of very important reactions that exist in the the nylon blending systems and its reaction degree has the extremely important influence to the polyblend performance. This article has established the basical model of Monte Carlo kinetics of amide exchange reaction , and has carried on the simulation by this model with the PA6/PA6IcoT response blending system under the different operating condition when the time change.This simulation result shows that the increase of temperature is beneficial to accelerate amid's exchange reaction. But even if so, regarding the PA6/PA6IcoT system, we must join the appropriate catalyst for promoting the amide exchange reaction if hoped that realizes the molecular size mix in a short time. The varation trend of the number average sequence length is much faster,relative to the varity of amide bond mole fraction with the variation of amide exchange reaction time. the PA6 sequence length may reduce several magnitudes only when need undergo dozens of minutes' reaction.In addition, the polyblend composition proportion also has the tremendous influence to the amide exchange reactions. The two kinds of component amido linkage's initial proportion in the system is more closer, the more obtain the final block copolymer. Keywords: Polyamide; Transamidation; Monte Carlo; Modeling

  • 共聚酰胺热熔胶的合成与表征_化工专业论文范文

    化工专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 研究背景1 1.3 研究内容2 1.4 文献综述2 2. 实验部分6 2.1 原料与仪器6 2.2 共聚酰胺热熔胶的合成7 2.3 共聚酰胺热熔胶熔程的表征10 3. 结果与讨论11 3.1 熔点——己内酰胺与癸二胺、癸二酸的质量比关系11 3.2 熔点——尼龙66盐与尼龙610盐的质量比关系12 3.3 熔点——月桂酸的使用量关系13 4.总结与展望15 4.1 总结15 4.2 展望15 致谢17 参考文献18 摘 要:本论文以己内酰胺、尼龙66盐、尼龙610盐、癸二胺、癸二酸等为原料,合成共聚酰胺热熔胶;对共聚物的熔点进行表征,研究了熔点与原料质量比之间的关系。结果表明,当操作条件一定时,随着原料的质量比增大,发现共聚物的熔点先减小后增大;在原料的质量比互相接近时,共聚物的熔点最低,但是无论各组质量比如何变化,其熔点总是要低于本体聚酰胺的熔点。 关键词:共聚酰胺;热熔胶;合成;熔点 Abstract: Copolyamide hot-melt adhesives were synthesized by caprolactam, nylon 66 salt, nylon 610 salt, decane diamine, sebacic acid, etc. The results indicated that melting point of the copolymers varied with the mass ratio of the raw materials and may have a lower limit under certain conditions. No matter how the mass ratio of the raw materials changed, the melting point of the copolymers was always lower than that of the homopolyamide. Keywords:Copolyamide; Hot-melt; Synthesis; Melting point

  • PLS方法应用于PTA脱水塔的软测量建模

    目 录 中文摘要I AbstractII 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 软测量建模方法研究现状2 1.3 PTA溶剂脱水塔工艺概述6 1.4 论文内容安排8 2. 实验部分9 2.1 模型说明与样本数据分析9 2.2 试验方式与性能评价指标9 2.3 样本数据特征分析10 2.4 多元线性回归建模(MLR)12 2.5 PCA_NN神经网络的软测量建模14 2.6 偏最小二乘回归建模(PLSR)18 2.7 PLSR_NN神经网络建模21 2.7.3 小结26 2.8 不同因素对PLSR_NN模型影响27 3. 结果与讨论30 3.1 实验样本数据分析及讨论 30 3.2 多元线性回归方法建模结果及讨论30 3.3 PCA_NN方法建模及讨论31 3.4 偏最小二乘回归方法建模结果及讨论32 3.5 PLSR_NN方法建模结果及讨论33 3.6 不同主元数对PLSR_NN模型影响的讨论34 3.7 节点数对PLSR_NN模型影响的讨论35 3.8 四种方法建模效果讨论37 4.总结与展望38 致谢40 参考文献41 摘 要:及时测定化工过程变量,对确保生产过程稳定、有效控制产品质量具有重要意义。目前基于实验测定的分析,时间滞后明显,不能实现产品质量精确控制的要求,而基于过程参数的软测量模型,通过采集实时样本数据,构建其与性质参数间的经验数学模型,可实时用于产品质量的在线分析和控制。本论文将基于PTA装置溶剂脱水塔化工过程采集的时序样本数据,并考虑数据属高维强相关的小样本,拟采用有偏估计的偏最小二乘回归方法,为塔顶排出的醋酸含量建立软测量模型,并将用其它经典软测量建模方法,以作比较。 关键词:软测量;偏最小二乘;PTA溶剂脱水塔;回归;主成份回归 Abstract: It is well known that to measure and estimate the chemical process variables in time has vital significance in ensuring process stabilization and effectively controlling its product quality.Based on the experimental determination of the present analysis, the time lag obviously, can not be achieved precise control of the product quality requirements, and process parameters based on the soft measurement model, sample real-time data acquisition and building parameters and the nature of their experience mathematical model can be used for real-time On-line analysis of product quality and control. The internship will be based on the PTA plant solvent dehydration tower chemical process data collected samples of the timing, and taking into account the high-dimensional data-related small sample, to be adopted biased estimate of the partial least squares regression method for the solution of acetic acid from the top in the establishment of soft measurement model, and with other classical soft measurement modeling method for comparison. Keywords:Soft-sensing; Partial least squares regression; PTA solvent dehydration tower; Regression; Principle component regression

  • 尼龙酰胺交换反应的蒙特卡罗模拟_化工专业论文

    尼龙酰胺交换反应的蒙特卡罗模拟_化工专业论文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 Monte Carlo方法简介1 1.2 酰胺交换反应3 1.3 酰胺交换反应模拟进展5 2 理论基础及算法7 2.1 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系7 2.2 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系中的反应7 2.3 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混的Monte Carlo模拟算法9 2.4 PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混模拟体系速率常数的选择10 3 结果与讨论12 3.1 伪随机数检验12 3.2 模拟样本空间大小的确定12 3.3 模拟结果12 4 总结与展望17 致 谢18 参考文献19 摘 要:酰胺交换反应是尼龙反应共混体系中存在的一类非常重要的反应,其反应程度对于共混物的性能有着极其重要的影响。本文建立了酰胺交换反应动力学的蒙特卡罗基本模型,并用该模型对PA6/PA6IcoT反应共混体系在不同操作条件的酰胺交换反应进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,提高温度,有利于加快酰胺交换反应。但即便如此,对于PA6/PA6IcoT体系而言,若希望在短时间内实现分子尺度的混合,必须加入合适的催化剂,促进酰胺交换反应的进行。相对于酰胺键摩尔分率随酰胺交换反应时间的变化而言,数均序列长度的变化趋势要快得多。只需经过数十分钟的反应,PA6的数均序列长度便可降低几个数量级。此外,共混物的组成比例也对酰胺交换反应有较大的影响。体系中两种组分酰胺键的初始比例越接近,最终所能得到的嵌段共聚物越多。 关键词:聚酰胺;酰胺交换反应;蒙特卡罗;模拟 英文摘要 Abstract: The amide exchange reaction is a kind of very important reactions that exist in the the nylon blending systems and its reaction degree has the extremely important influence to the polyblend performance. This article has established the basical model of Monte Carlo kinetics of amide exchange reaction , and has carried on the simulation by this model with the PA6/PA6IcoT response blending system under the different operating condition when the time change.This simulation result shows that the increase of temperature is beneficial to accelerate amid's exchange reaction. But even if so, regarding the PA6/PA6IcoT system, we must join the appropriate catalyst for promoting the amide exchange reaction if hoped that realizes the molecular size mix in a short time. The varation trend of the number average sequence length is much faster,relative to the varity of amide bond mole fraction with the variation of amide exchange reaction time. the PA6 sequence length may reduce several magnitudes only when need undergo dozens of minutes' reaction.In addition, the polyblend composition proportion also has the tremendous influence to the amide exchange reactions. The two kinds of component amido linkage's initial proportion in the system is more closer, the more obtain the final block copolymer. Keywords: Polyamide; Transamidation; Monte Carlo; Modeling

  • 甲基-2,3-O-异亚丙基-5-脱氧-β--D-呋喃核糖苷的合成_化工专业论文范文

    甲基-2,3-O-异亚丙基-5-脱氧-β--D-呋喃核糖苷的合成_化工专业论文范文 摘 要:首先以D-核糖为起始原料,2,2-二甲氧基丙烷作为保护基原料,得到甲基-2,3-O-异亚丙基-β-D-呋喃核糖苷,然后用甲苯黄酰氯保护得到甲基-2,3-O-异亚丙基-5-o-甲苯磺酰基-β-D-呋喃核糖苷,继续用硼氢化钠还原得到甲基-2,3-O-异亚丙基-5-脱氧-β-D-呋喃核糖苷。经过对原有合成路线的优化改进,此反应操作方便简单,重复性好,反应时间短,反应平和,产物易纯化,在工业上有较大的应用价值。 关键词: D-核糖;甲基化;乙酰化;呋喃核糖苷 目 录 中文摘要....................................................................I 英文摘要...................................................................II 目录......................................................................III 1. 绪论....................................................................1 1.1 选题的背景与意义....................................................1 1.2 呋喃及其衍生物的应用................................................1 1.3 文献合成方法综述....................................................2 1.4 研究的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题....................................3 1.5 合成路线选择........................................................4 1.6 本章小结............................................................4 2. 实验部分................................................................5 2.1 实验试剂............................................................5 2.2 实验原料的物性......................................................5 2.3 实验仪器............................................................7 2.4分析仪器...........................................................7 2.5 实验装置图..........................................................9 2.6实验步骤............................................................11 2.7 本章小结...........................................................13 3. 结果与讨论............................................................14 3.1实验结果............................................................14 3.2实验讨论...........................................................17 3.3 本章小结..........................................................18 4. 结论 .................................................................19 致谢.......................................................................20 参考文献...................................................................21 Abstract: Methyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-D-ribofuranoside was prepared from D-ribose protected by 2,2-dimethoxypropane. Methyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-o-trifluoromethanesulfonyl -β-D-ribofuranoside glucoside was synthesized from methyl-2,3-o-isopropylidene-β-D- ribofuranoside and TSCl. Then Methyl-2,3-o-isopropylidene-5-o-trifluoromethanesulfonyl-β- D-ribofuranoside glucoside was reduced by NaBH4 to get methyl -2,3-O- isopropylidene-5- deaeration - beta -D- ribofuranose glucoside. Through the optimization and improvement of original process , this reaction is simple, duplicates well, reaction time is short, preceeds smothly, and the product is easy to purify, has the wided application in the industry. Keywords:D- ribose; methyl; acetylize; furan ribofuranose