这部影片通过详尽的资料搜集,追访全球金融业巨头、政客、财经记者、学术明星,披露了金融大鳄的崛兴之路,公开了业内、学界贪污腐败与ZF政策背后的惊人真相。但是,造成这场空前危机的罪魁祸首仍然逍遥法外。于是,导演Charles Ferguson亲自执笔,继续搜寻最新的进展与证据,更加全面、深入地剖析和揭露了当今最发达经济体――美国的寡头体制,为全球未来敲响了警钟。
Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America
Charles Ferguson, who electrified the world with his Academy Award-winning documentary, Inside Job, now reveals how rogues with influence have taken over the country and are driving it to financial and social ruin.
In Predator Nation, Ferguson exposes the networks of academic, government, and congressional influence--in all recent administrations, including Obama's--that prepared the path to conquest. He reveals how once-revered figures like Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers have become mere courtiers to the elite. And based on many newly released court filings, he details the extent of the crimes--there is no other word--committed in the frenzied chase for storied wealth that marked the 2000s. And, finally, he lays out a brief plan of action for how we might take it back.
CHAPTER 1: Where We Are Now
CHAPTER 2: Opening Pandora’s Box: The Era of Deregulation, 1980–2000
CHAPTER 3: The Bubble, Part One: Borrowing and Lending in the 2000s
CHAPTER 4: Wall Street Makes a Bubble and Gives It to the World
CHAPTER 5: All Fall Down: Warnings, Predators, Crises, Responses
CHAPTER 6: Crime and Punishment: Banking and the Bubble as Criminal Enterprises
CHAPTER 7: Agents of Pain: Unregulated Finance as a Subtractive Industry
CHAPTER 8: The Ivory Tower
CHAPTER 9: America as a Rigged Game
CHAPTER 10: What Should Be Done?
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