One argument you often hear from anti-Keynesians — it pops up in comments here — is that the experience of stagflation in the 1970s proved Keynesian wrong. It didn’t; what it did disprove was the naive Phillips curve, which said that there’s a stable tradeoff between unemployment and inflation. By the end of the 70s most macroeconomists had accepted some version of the Friedman/Phelps natural rate hypothesis, which says that sustained inflation gets built into price-setting, so that inflation can persist for a while even in the face of high unemployment. But that’s very far from rejecting the basic Keynesian insight that demand matters.
Still, many people continue to use the 70s to denounce all things liberal or activist.
What’s odd, though, is how little talk there is about the way the 70s ended — which I viewed at the time, and still do, as a huge vindication of Keynesianism.
Here’s what happened: the Fed decided to squeeze inflation out of the system through a monetary contraction. If you believed in Lucas-type rational expectations, this should have caused a rise in unemployment only to the extent that people didn’t realize what the Fed was doing; once the policy shift was clear, inflation should have subsided and the economy should have returned to the natural rate. If you believed in real business cycle theory, the Fed’s policies should have had no real effect at all.
What actually happened was a terrible, three-year slump, which eased only when the Fed relented.
It was 79-82 that made me a convinced saltwater economist. And nothing that has happened since — certainly not the current crisis — has dented that conviction.
4.when the Fed relented,这里的relented 指的是美联储不再强制推行原来的“通过货币紧缩,从经济体系中,把通胀挤出去”这个货币政策,而有所放松,甚至逆向而行,放松银根。(Eugene, 8月2日)
*.对其中的几处不太确切的翻译,已经进行了适当的修改。pop up句;ease句(钱老大,8月1日)
* 收录了Eugene的评论,放在“注释”里。(8月2日)
英文原题The lessons of 1979-82钱老大 [译] Eugene Chen[校]
菲利普斯曲线(英语:Phillips Curve),新西兰统计学家威廉·菲利普斯(A.W.Phillips)于1968年根据英国百余年(1867-1957)的宏观经济数据,画出了一条表现通货膨胀与失业率关系的曲线,数据以名义工资率的增长率与失业率的不能兼容的关系进而推论通货膨胀率与失业率的关系(因通货膨胀的数据难以取得,于是以名义工资的增长率来代替通货膨胀率),得出通货膨胀率与失业率的负关系[1]。
但60年代末米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)和埃德蒙·费尔普斯等人发表文章适应性预期(Adaptive Expectations)批评菲利普斯曲线,否定通货膨胀率与失业率在长期经济中存在相关性,并认为,政府利用菲利普斯曲线在通货膨胀和失业率之间进行权衡是危险的。在当时人们很难接受这样大胆的观点,因为萨缪尔森和罗伯特·索洛有历史数据支持。埃德蒙·费尔普斯因此而获得2006年度诺贝尔经济学奖。