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[相关阅读]【2008金融危机必读系列】(附下载链接,持续添加中)08金融危机必读:读懂金融危机必看的十四本书MoreMortgageMeltdown:6WaystoProfitinTheseBadTimesAclearlookathowtocaptureinvestmentprofitsduringdi ...
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- 08金融危机必读:读懂金融危机必看的十四本书
More Mortgage Meltdown: 6 Ways to Profit in These Bad Times
A clear look at how to capture investment profits during difficult financial times
The U.S. economy has become crippled by the credit and real estate catastrophe. Even though we've all been affected by the calamity and have heard no shortage of news about it, it still seems unfathomable and utterly incomprehensible to most people that the actions of certain mortgage brokers, bankers, ratings agencies, and investment banks could break the economic engine of the world.
The book
- Breaks down the complex mortgage products and rocket-science securities Wall Street created
- Addresses how to find investment opportunities within the rubble and position your portfolio to take advantage of the crisis
- Explains exactly how the combination of aggressive lending, government missteps, and Wall Street trading practices created the perfect economic storm
- Shows you why the crisis is not yet over and what we can expect going forward
More Mortgage Meltdown can help you understand the events that have unfolded, and put you in a better position to profit from the opportunities that arise during these tough financial times.
Part One: What Happened and Why, Where Are We Now, and What Does the Future Hold?
Chapter 1 What Happened during the Housing Bubble? 3
Chapter 2 What Caused the Bubble? 29
Chapter 3 What Are the Consequences of the Bubble Bursting? 49
Chapter 4 What Are the Problem Areas? 67
Chapter 5 What’s Next? 97
Part Two: Profi ting from the Meltdown
Chapter 6 Advice for All Investors 121
Chapter 7 A False Alarm on Derivatives 149
Case Study: Berkshire Hathaway
Chapter 8 A Battered Blue Chip 179
Case Study: American Express
Chapter 9 Bottom Fishing in Microcaps 199
Case Study: Resource America
Chapter 10 Opportunities in Pools of Distressed Mortgages 215
Case Study: Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-8
Chapter 11 An Introduction to Shorting 227
Chapter 12 A Case of Questionable Reserves 241
Case Study: MBIA Inc
Chapter 13 An Ill-Fated Acquisition? 265
Case Study: Wells Fargo
Conclusion 287
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本文标题:【08金融危机必读系列】More Mortgage Meltdown (2009)